eat my cupcake
Hey, hey, welcome to my website! My name is Jennifer Ennas-Ludewig, and I own Eat My Cupcake! Everyone knows me as the cupcake lady, cupcake, or cupcake Jen, but I was not always Eat My Cupcake! I was just Jen, a mom of two passionate about baking. This business all began as I tried making delicious baked goods for my daughters with severe food allergies. I wanted them to have tasty treats that everyone was able to enjoy! This snowballed from baking for my family to my friends to friends of friends to what it is now.
In 2013 I started to ramp up production. Things were going well. Then after some time of creating for family and friends and as my daughters got older, I decided to put my heart and soul into this and invest in creating my brand. In 2022 I decided to grow my business. What started as just cupcakes turned into more. While cupcakes are the heart of my kitchen, I knew I wanted to do more.
My mind is always a revolving door of ideas and creations, as I call them, jencoctions. I am a self-taught home baker who always wants to take it further. I wanted to be more than just cupcakes. I started creating stuffed cookies (which fly out of stock as soon as I make them), custom cakes, full dessert tables for events, etc.
Eat My Cupcake is now in multiple storefronts and doing multiple custom orders daily. It has been truly an unbelievable ride. If you are looking for sweet treats made with love, let Eat My Cupcake help you celebrate any big or small event. Follow me on social media to see what’s coming next!!!